




  • Achieve professional success using team工作, communication, and problem-solving skills
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计算机与信息科学学士学位 with a Major in Cyber and Net工作 Security - 云计算 Track

Cloud computing or software services provided across the internet are ushering in a wave of new opportunities to help businesses become more flexible, 高效敏捷. 通过提供基础设施, 平台和软件即服务, cloud computing allows users to access and implement important business 和技术 tools whenever and wherever they need.

计算机与信息科学学士学位, 网络与网络安全专业, 网络安全跟踪

你想在网络犯罪开始之前阻止它吗? 如果防止, 检测, 打击数字犯罪对你来说很重要, a career in cyber 安全 may be the perfect fit and a cyber and net工作 安全 degree could be a great way to start! 作为网络安全专家, 你可以站在网络战和防御的前线, 保护重要的计算机系统免受内部和外部的威胁, 包括社会工程, 黑客, 恶意软件, 间谍软件, 和病毒.

计算机与信息科学学士学位 with a Major in Software Development - 移动开发 Track

The ever-increasing role of computers in society will continue to require skilled 开发ers to design, 开发, and implement software based solutions and products for business and consumers. Software applications systems connect you to a computer, tablet, smartphone or mobile device. 每年, 有进取心的开发人员和公司创建了一系列云, mobile and web-based offerings designed to make business more effective and our lives more enjoyable. 澳门网上赌场官方网站's 移动开发 track in the Software Development major offers a skills based program utilizing the latest in technology across platforms using virtualization. 澳门真人赌场官方网站's programs encourage students to obtain industry certifications and internships for real world experience that enhances graduate opportunities.

计算机与信息科学学士学位 with a Major in Software Development - 网页设计与开发 Track

像大多数事物一样,网站正变得越来越先进. 今天, businesses and organizations must make a statement with their web presence if they hope to engage the target audience. 网站现在使用最新的多媒体, 电子商务, and advanced engagement tools to draw traffic and keep visitors coming back for more.


Electronic technology is intricately-woven into many sectors of industry which effects our daily lives. 每年, 新的和令人兴奋的有线通信, 无线, and satellite services impact devices and machines which change the way people live, 工作, 和玩耍. 这是一个动态的环境,需要专业人士来维持它的进步. 有线电话和有线电视, 细胞, 宽带, mobile internet and satellite tv are all impacted by electronic engineering technology. The investment in automated 制造业 also is changing the demands for a skilled 工作force.


如果你想从事设计方面的实际工作, 测试, 制造业, 或操作, then the 机械工程技术 field may be just what you've been looking for. 这是最好的部分:现在有很多工作等着被填补. 这是因为现代制造业正在卷土重来, 多亏了机器人和先进的电子设备.

电子工程技术理学学士学位, concentration in 机电一体化

The 澳门网上赌场官方网站 机电一体化 program focuses on real-world application of engineering principles. 如果你是那种喜欢用双手工作的人, 把东西放在一起, and combining different systems to come up with a solution for a real world problem, then a career in 电子工程技术 could be the right choice for you. The 机电一体化 concentration will offer you the chance to 开发 and troubleshoot robotics solutions, 可编程序控制器, 集成系统. 边做边学,同时掌握扎实的电子学理论基础. Put to practice your acquired knowledge through a culminating capstone experience.



Bachelor of Science Degree in 健康科学 with a concentration in 医疗管理

Want to be a part of an exciting industry and provide critical support to people who save lives every day? 医疗管理方面的工作可能是你一直在寻找的. Managers organize and manage medical information and healthcare staffs in all areas of the industry.

业务 & 刑事司法澳门真人赌场官方网站


寻找一份能让你真正有所作为的工作? There is no more noble profession than keeping your fellow citizens free from harm. 更重要的是,这是一个真正迷人的职业. 今天’s criminal justice professionals 工作 in a variety of settings involving investigations, 安全, 执法, 法医科学, 和技术.

刑事司法理学学士学位 with a concentration in 国土安全

这不是秘密. 我们生活在一个日益危险的世界, and protecting the nation requires specially-trained professionals who are dedicated to tracking, 拦截和起诉潜在的恐怖分子. 国土安全 professionals have emerged as an indispensable member of America’s national 安全 team, assuming the vital role of protecting citizens from terrorists and hostile nations.

Bachelor of Science in 工商管理 with a concentration in 会计

If you have a knack for numbers and want to be at the center of business operations, 那么你可能会考虑从事会计工作. 会计师对公司的成功至关重要, 跟踪收入和资产, 编制财务报表, 评估投资回报.

Bachelor of Science in 工商管理 with a Concentration in 业务 Management

商业世界是快节奏和多方面的. It involves financial management, marketing, sales, personnel, research and strategic planning. 在商业上取得成功的人拥有许多这样的技能, 但他们也表现出同样有益于他们的品质——领导力, 聪明才智和团队精神, 举几个例子. 如果这激起了你的兴趣, 澳门网上赌场官方网站 is here to help you obtain the education needed to enter today’s global marketplace. 通过澳门真人赌场官方网站的全年计划, you can earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in 工商管理 with a concentration in 业务 Management in just 2.5年.

Bachelor of Science in 工商管理 with a concentration in IT管理

IT professionals are the “go-to” people when computers and net工作s require troubleshooting and maintenance and, 因此, IT经理在大多数工作场所的日常运作中发挥着核心作用. 技术, 正确配置后, 安装, 和维护, 允许企业和组织以最高效率运作.



Any successful restaurateur or food service manager knows that there’s more to running a great operation than serving delicious food. 它需要扎实的商业知识. 如果你喜欢混合烹饪的想法, 酒店管理技能, 考虑从事食品服务管理工作.